Prosthetic Sore Detector
Prosthetic Sore Detector
I built a prosthetic sore detector for individuals who have to wear a prosthesis for long periods of time. A sore or blister would form due to the friction between the prosthetic and the severed limb. A skin mounted temperature sensor would be placed between the prosthetic and the severed limb. If the temperature of the skin increased, it would alert the user to adjust the prosthetic to avoid the formation of a blister. This wearable device would transmit the temperature using NFC to a receiver. This receiver had an Intel Edison and breakout board to perform on board calculations and send a visual alert to the user.
Skills/Tools used:
Electronics design using Altium Designer
Technical presentations
System Design
Prototyping techniques
NFC communication
Serial protocols: SPI, I2C
Electronic circuits: logic level converters, accelerometers, LED switches