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Firefighter Assisting Spherical Robot

Firefighter Assisting Spherical Robot


During a class at Lund Unveristy, I worked with a team of engineers to develop a spherical robot to assist firefighters. The purpose of this spherical robot is to scope out of a building before firefighters enter the building and communicate vital information to firefighters to make better decisions without sacrificing resources and risk their lives. Additionally, this robot will communicate information to victims who are caught in the burning building and to locate potential victims. The robot would be shot into the building through an open window, where it will communicate information such as temperature, air pressure, noise, and CO and CO2 levels back to the firefighters. Finally, the firefighters could communicate with anyone in the building through the built-in speakers on the robot. We would construct the outer shell of the robot  with a fireproof/shatterproof material such as Celazole PBI, a ceramic based coating with a high temperature melting point preventing heat damage to the robot. 


Skills/Tools used:

  • 3D CAD design using Solidworks

  • Concept generation

  • Technical requirement generation

  • Prototyping techniques: 3D printing, dremels, etc...

  • Electronics: wireless charging, servo motors, arduino

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